The Benefits of Executive Coaching Linked to Life Coaching
Enhanced Self-AwarenessOne of the core tenets of both executive and life coaching is the development of self-awareness. Executive coaches help ...
How to be in the Zone / flow in our daily lives
My son said to me yesterday, “I have a question for you”. Normally when he says this I sigh and ...
Being awake to being “woke”
In today's rapidly changing world, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the changes and differences around woke, ...

How to be in the Zone / flow in our daily lives
My son said to me yesterday, “I have a question for you”. Normally when he says this I sigh and ...
White wolf, black wolf, the battle to love ourselves
The story of the white wolf and black wolf is a great example of the battle for self-acceptance. The inner ...
Dealing with Loss Bereavement
In 1981 on a Wednesday afternoon I was walking through Wolverhampton town centre with my then girlfriend when a friend ...

COVID-19 Coping Negative Thinking
With the spread of COVID-19, we see a parallel spread of anxiety and fear of an unknown future. This has ...
Panic or Anxiety Attacks? Are they different and how do I cope with them?
[html tag_image_type="bootstrap" tag_image_shape="img-rounded"]In my psychotherapy practice, one of the most common issues is anxiety and anxiety attacks. The attacks can ...
The Risk of Social Isolation and Coping Strategies
As we are at the start of social isolation it is important to try (if possible) and view this as ...
Am I a Fake?
In my work as a therapist, I deal with many people from all walks of life, some who would be ...